Adaptive-response sensory kinase SasA |
22 |
Adaptive-response sensory-kinase SasA |
1 |
Aerobic respiration control sensor protein ArcB |
3 |
Aerobic respiration control sensor protein ArcB homolog |
1 |
Alginate biosynthesis sensor protein KinB |
1 |
Alkaline phosphatase synthesis sensor protein PhoR |
1 |
Alkaline phosphatase synthesis transcriptional regulatory protein PhoP |
1 |
Alkaline phosphatase synthesis transcriptional regulatory protein SphR |
1 |
Autoinducer 1 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxN |
2 |
Autoinducer 2 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxQ |
5 |
Bacteriophytochrome |
1 |
Blue-light-activated protein |
3 |
C4-dicarboxylate transport sensor protein DctB |
1 |
C4-dicarboxylate transport sensor protein DctS |
1 |
CAI-1 autoinducer sensor kinase/phosphatase CqsS |
2 |
Cell cycle response regulator CtrA |
9 |
Cell cycle transcriptional regulator CtrA |
2 |
Cell-division control histidine kinase PdhS |
9 |
Chemotaxis protein CheY |
1 |
Chemotaxis protein CheY-3 |
2 |
Circadian input-output histidine kinase CikA |
3 |
Cyanobacterial phytochrome A |
1 |
Cyanobacterial phytochrome B |
1 |
DNA-binding dual master transcriptional regulator RpaA |
2 |
Drug sensory protein A |
1 |
Ethylene receptor |
4 |
Ethylene receptor 1 |
6 |
Ethylene receptor 2 |
5 |
Ethylene receptor 3 |
2 |
Ethylene receptor 4 |
2 |
Ethylene response sensor 1 |
1 |
Gliding motility regulatory protein |
1 |
Globin-coupled histidine kinase |
1 |
Heme sensor protein HssS |
16 |
Histidine kinase 1 |
1 |
Histidine kinase 2 |
1 |
Histidine kinase 3 |
1 |
Histidine kinase 4 |
1 |
Histidine kinase 5 |
1 |
Histidine kinase CKI1 |
1 |
Histidine kinase P4 |
1 |
Histidine protein kinase 1 |
1 |
Histidine protein kinase DivJ |
1 |
Histidine protein kinase NIK1 |
1 |
Histidine protein kinase SLN1 |
1 |
Histidine protein kinase SaeS |
12 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase A |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase B |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase C |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase D |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase E |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase F |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase G |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase H |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase I |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase J |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase K |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase L |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase M |
1 |
Hybrid signal transduction protein dokA |
1 |
KDP operon transcriptional regulatory protein KdpE |
1 |
Luminescence regulatory protein LuxO |
2 |
Methanogenesis regulatory histidine kinase FilI |
1 |
Nisin biosynthesis sensor protein NisK |
1 |
Nodulation protein V |
1 |
Non-motile and phage-resistance protein |
1 |
Osmolarity two-component system protein SSK1 |
1 |
Osmosensing histidine protein kinase SLN1 |
1 |
Oxidative stress response two-component system protein SSK1 |
1 |
Peroxide stress-activated histidine kinase mak1 |
1 |
Peroxide stress-activated histidine kinase mak2 |
1 |
Peroxide stress-activated histidine kinase mak3 |
1 |
Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR |
5 |
Phosphate regulon transcriptional regulatory protein PhoB |
1 |
Phytochrome |
3 |
Phytochrome 1 |
3 |
Phytochrome 2 |
1 |
Phytochrome A |
10 |
Phytochrome A type 3 |
1 |
Phytochrome A type 4 |
1 |
Phytochrome A1 |
1 |
Phytochrome B |
3 |
Phytochrome B1 |
1 |
Phytochrome C |
3 |
Phytochrome a |
1 |
Phytochrome type A |
1 |
Phytochrome-like protein Cph1 |
1 |
Polar-differentiation response regulator DivK |
9 |
Probable C4-dicarboxylate sensor kinase |
1 |
Probable ethylene response sensor 1 |
2 |
Probable ethylene response sensor 2 |
2 |
Probable histidine kinase 1 |
2 |
Probable histidine kinase 2 |
2 |
Probable histidine kinase 3 |
2 |
Probable histidine kinase 4 |
1 |
Probable histidine kinase 5 |
1 |
Probable histidine kinase 6 |
1 |
Probable sensor histidine kinase TcrY |
1 |
Probable sensor kinase SilS |
1 |
Probable sensor protein PcoS |
1 |
Probable transcriptional regulator ycf27 |
3 |
Probable transcriptional regulator ycf29 |
2 |
Probable transcriptional regulatory protein SYNPCC7002_A0851 |
1 |
Probable transcriptional regulatory protein SilR |
1 |
Probable transcriptional regulatory protein TcrX |
1 |
Probable transcriptional regulatory protein y4xI |
1 |
Protein EIN4 |
1 |
Protein PilH |
1 |
Protein RcaC |
1 |
Putative sensor protein Sfri_3689 |
1 |
Regulator of RpoS |
3 |
Regulatory protein LuxO |
4 |
Regulatory protein VanRB |
1 |
Response regulator ArlR |
11 |
Response regulator MprA |
14 |
Response regulator PleD |
2 |
Response regulator SaeR |
12 |
Response regulator mcs4 |
1 |
Response regulator protein CarR |
1 |
Response regulator protein PmrA |
1 |
Response regulator sskA |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase AruS |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase AtsR |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase CheAY |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase CpxA |
2 |
Sensor histidine kinase CusS |
3 |
Sensor histidine kinase EnvZ |
6 |
Sensor histidine kinase GacS |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase GlrK |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase GraS |
5 |
Sensor histidine kinase GtrS |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase Hik2 |
2 |
Sensor histidine kinase HprS |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase KdpD |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase MtrB |
6 |
Sensor histidine kinase QseE |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase RcsC |
4 |
Sensor histidine kinase ResE |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase RppB |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase SpaK |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase SsrA |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase TmoS |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase TodS |
2 |
Sensor histidine kinase WalK |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase YcbM |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase YclK |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase YkoH |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase YvcQ |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase YvrG |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase YxdK |
1 |
Sensor histidine kinase ZraS |
5 |
Sensor histidine protein kinase/phosphatase WalK |
2 |
Sensor kinase CckA |
1 |
Sensor protein BceS |
2 |
Sensor protein ChvG |
2 |
Sensor protein CiaH |
2 |
Sensor protein CopS |
1 |
Sensor protein CpxA |
2 |
Sensor protein CreC |
1 |
Sensor protein CutS |
2 |
Sensor protein CzcS |
1 |
Sensor protein DegM |
1 |
Sensor protein DivL |
1 |
Sensor protein EvgS |
2 |
Sensor protein FixL |
3 |
Sensor protein GacS |
1 |
Sensor protein IrlS |
2 |
Sensor protein KdpD |
5 |
Sensor protein PfeS |
1 |
Sensor protein RprX |
1 |
Sensor protein SphS |
1 |
Sensor protein SrrB |
8 |
Sensor protein TdiS |
1 |
Sensor protein TorS |
2 |
Sensor protein VanS |
1 |
Sensor protein VanSB |
1 |
Sensor protein kinase GraS |
11 |
Sensor protein kinase PilS |
1 |
Sensor protein kinase PmrB |
1 |
Sensor protein kinase WalK |
18 |
Sensor protein kinase WalK (Fragment) |
2 |
Sensor-like histidine kinase SenX3 |
5 |
Sensor-type histidine kinase PrrB |
4 |
Sensory histidine kinase/phosphatase NtrB |
10 |
Sensory transduction protein RegX3 |
4 |
Sensory/regulatory protein RpfC |
2 |
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase AfsQ2 |
1 |
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase ArlS |
13 |
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase AtoS |
1 |
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase BaeS |
1 |
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase BarA |
4 |
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase/phosphatase MprB |
14 |
Sporulation kinase A |
1 |
Sporulation kinase B |
1 |
Sporulation kinase C |
1 |
Sporulation kinase D |
1 |
Sporulation kinase E |
1 |
Stress response regulator protein 1 |
2 |
Swarming motility regulation sensor protein RssA |
1 |
Transcription factor SKN7 |
3 |
Transcription factor prr1 |
1 |
Transcriptional activator protein CopR |
1 |
Transcriptional activator protein CzcR |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein BasR |
2 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein CiaR |
2 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein CrdR |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein CusR |
3 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein DltR |
2 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein HprR |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein KdpE |
2 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein PcoR |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein PmrA |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein QseB |
5 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein ResD |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein RprY |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein TcrA |
2 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein TctD |
2 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein TrcR |
1 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein WalR |
23 |
Transcriptional regulatory protein ZraR |
2 |
Two-component response regulator 24 |
1 |
Two-component response regulator ARR22 |
1 |
Two-component response regulator ORR12 |
1 |
Two-component response regulator ORR41 |
1 |
Two-component response regulator PhoP |
1 |
Two-component sensor PprA |
1 |
Two-component system protein A |
1 |
Two-component system protein B |
1 |
Uncharacterized 14.6 kDa protein in sodA1 3'region |
1 |
Uncharacterized sensor-like histidine kinase R01002 |
1 |
Uncharacterized sensor-like histidine kinase ycf26 |
2 |
Uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory protein YcbL |
1 |
Uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory protein YclJ |
1 |
Uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory protein YkoG |
1 |
Uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory protein YrkP |
1 |
Virulence sensor protein BvgS |
3 |
Wide host range VirA protein |
3 |