3-methylorcinaldehyde synthase |
2 |
3-methylorcinaldehyde synthase tropA |
1 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 1 |
12 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 2 |
20 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 2 (Fragment) |
1 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I, chloroplastic |
2 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II, chloroplastic |
1 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase homolog |
1 |
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase, mitochondrial |
4 |
5-methyl-1-naphthoate synthase |
1 |
5-methylorsellinic acid synthase |
1 |
6-deoxyerythronolide-B synthase EryA1, modules 1 and 2 |
1 |
6-deoxyerythronolide-B synthase EryA2, modules 3 and 4 |
1 |
6-deoxyerythronolide-B synthase EryA3, modules 5 and 6 |
1 |
6-hydroxymellein synthase cdmE |
1 |
6-methylcalicylic acide synthase |
1 |
6-methylsalicylic acid synthase |
5 |
6-methylsalicylic acid synthase AOL_s00215g283 |
1 |
6-methylsalicylic acid synthase acuA |
1 |
Actinorhodin polyketide putative beta-ketoacyl synthase 1 |
1 |
Actinorhodin polyketide putative beta-ketoacyl synthase 2 |
1 |
Asperfuranone polyketide synthase afoG |
1 |
Atrochrysone carboxylic acid synthase |
7 |
Atrochrysone carboxylic acid synthase AacuL |
1 |
Atrochrysone carboxylic acid synthase Agnpks1 |
1 |
Atrochrysone carboxylic acid synthase PKS4 |
1 |
Atrochrysone carboxylic acid synthase nsrB |
1 |
Beta-ketoacyl synthase PigJ |
1 |
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase FabY |
1 |
Bikaverin polyketide synthase bik1 |
1 |
Chalcone synthase cfoA |
1 |
Citrinin polyketide synthase |
2 |
Clavatol synthase claF |
1 |
Cluster 41 polyketide synthase |
1 |
Compactin diketide synthase mlcB |
1 |
Compactin nonaketide synthase, polyketide synthase component |
1 |
Conidial pigment polyketide synthase PfmaE |
1 |
Conidial pigment polyketide synthase alb1 |
1 |
Conidial yellow pigment biosynthesis polyketide synthase |
1 |
Conidial yellow pigment biosynthesis polyketide synthase melA |
1 |
Cyclo-acetoacetyl-L-tryptophan synthase |
1 |
Desertorin synthase |
1 |
Equisetin synthetase eqxS |
1 |
Fatty acid synthase |
5 |
Fatty acid synthase (Fragment) |
1 |
Fatty acid synthase 2 |
1 |
Fatty acid synthase alpha subunit pigJ |
1 |
Fatty acid synthase alpha subunit stcJ |
1 |
Fatty acid synthase apf5 |
1 |
Fatty acid synthase subunit alpha |
9 |
Fumagillin dodecapentaenoate synthase af370 |
1 |
Fumigermin synthase |
1 |
Fumosorinone synthetase |
1 |
Fusaridione A synthetase fsdS |
1 |
Fusarielin synthase FSL1 |
1 |
Fusarin C synthetase |
2 |
Granaticin polyketide putative beta-ketoacyl synthase 1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase |
2 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase 17 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase 19 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase 2 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase 40 |
2 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ACRTS2 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ACTTS3 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase AFT9-1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ALT1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ATEG_07659 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ATR6 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase Dhc3 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase FUM1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase GPY1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase NEC1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase PKS2 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase PKS6 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase Preu1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase Preu5 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase SAT13 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase VdtX |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ZEA2 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase acrA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase alnA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase alt5 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase anuA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase apmlA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase atnH |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase aurA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ausV |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase azaB |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase bet1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase calA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase cla2 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase claI |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase cm3B |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase cnsI |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ctvA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase curS1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase dmxL2 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase easB |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase fogA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase frbB |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase g433 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase gloL |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase lcsB |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase lcsC |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase milA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase ntnH |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase otaA |
2 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase phiA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase pkhB |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase pks5 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase poxF |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase pspA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase sdgA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase sdnO |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase sor1 |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase sorA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase srdA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase sthA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase tazB |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase tstA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase valA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase verA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase virA |
1 |
Highly reducing polyketide synthase xilA |
2 |
Hispidin synthase |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase 1 |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase ATEG_00325 |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase LUC5 |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase TAS1 |
4 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase apdA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase buaA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase cghG |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase fsa1 |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase gkaA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase iccA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase iliA |
2 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase lepA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase mpsA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase mycA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase phm1 |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase poxE |
2 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase prlS |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase pvhA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase pydA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase pynA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase pytA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase pytA (Fragment) |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase pyvA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase tasS |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase thnA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase traA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase ucsA |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPS synthetase xenE |
1 |
Hybrid PKS-NRPs synthetase opdA |
1 |
Iterative polyketide synthase CazM |
1 |
Iterative polyketide synthase afoE |
1 |
Kotanin synthase |
1 |
Lovastatin diketide synthase lovF |
2 |
Lovastatin diketide synthase mokB |
1 |
Lovastatin nonaketide synthase mokA |
1 |
Lovastatin nonaketide synthase, polyketide synthase component |
2 |
Low-reducing polyketide synthase drtA |
1 |
Mellein synthase |
1 |
Methylphloroacetophenone synthase |
1 |
Mycocerosic acid synthase |
1 |
Mycocerosic acid synthase-like polyketide synthase |
2 |
Mycoketide-CoA synthase |
1 |
Mycolipanoate synthase |
1 |
Mycosubtilin synthase subunit A |
1 |
Narbonolide/10-deoxymethynolide synthase PikA1, modules 1 and 2 |
1 |
Narbonolide/10-deoxymethynolide synthase PikA2, modules 3 and 4 |
1 |
Narbonolide/10-deoxymethynolide synthase PikA3, module 5 |
1 |
Narbonolide/10-deoxymethynolide synthase PikA4, module 6 |
1 |
Naringenin synthase |
1 |
Neocarzinostatin naphthoate synthase |
1 |
Nodulation protein E |
5 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase 1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase 8 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase AC |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ATEG_07661 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase CPUR_05437 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase CTB1 |
2 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase Dhc5 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PFUR17_0229 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PKS1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PKS12 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PKS16 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PKS19 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PKS8-1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase Preu3 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase Preu4 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase Preu6 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase Preu7 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase Preu8 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase PvBS090_009107 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase SAT8 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase VdtA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ZEA1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase adaA |
2 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase adrD |
2 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase afvB |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase albA |
3 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase andM |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase aptA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ascC |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase atnG |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase atr1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ausA |
3 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase azaA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase cla3 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase crz7 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase curS2 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase dbaI |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase dpasA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase dpchA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase dpfgA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase dpmaA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase dpmpA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase elcA (Fragment) |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase epaA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase esdpA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase fsr1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase gsfA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase hmp3 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase mapC |
2 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase mapC' |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase men2 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase nscA |
9 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ntnG |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase nvfA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase olcA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pgmA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase phnA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pigA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pkbA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pkdA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pkfA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pkgA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pkhA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pkiA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pks11 |
2 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pks12 |
2 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pks27 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase prhL |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ptaA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase pyr2 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase rads2 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase rdc1 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase sor2 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase sorB |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase stbA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase subA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase tazA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase terA |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase tpeB |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase trt4 |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase ustP |
1 |
Non-reducing polyketide synthase vrtA |
1 |
Norsolorinic acid synthase |
3 |
Norsolorinic acid synthase stcA |
1 |
Oleandomycin polyketide synthase, modules 5 and 6 |
1 |
Orsellinic acid synthase |
2 |
Orsellinic acid synthase ArmB |
1 |
Orsellinic acid synthase armB |
2 |
Oxytetracycline polyketide putative beta-ketoacyl synthase 1 |
1 |
PKS-NRPS hybrid synthetase ATPKS |
1 |
PKS-NRPS hybrid synthetase acdB |
1 |
PKS-NRPS hybrid synthetase cheA |
1 |
PKS-NRPS hybrid synthetase psoA |
1 |
PKS-NRPS hybrid synthetase swnK |
2 |
Partially reducing polyketide synthase men1 |
1 |
Partially reducing polyketide synthase tpeA |
1 |
Phenolphthiocerol synthesis polyketide synthase type I Pks15/1 |
2 |
Phenolphthiocerol/phthiocerol polyketide synthase subunit A |
3 |
Phenolphthiocerol/phthiocerol polyketide synthase subunit B |
3 |
Phenolphthiocerol/phthiocerol polyketide synthase subunit C |
4 |
Phenolphthiocerol/phthiocerol polyketide synthase subunit D |
1 |
Phenolphthiocerol/phthiocerol polyketide synthase subunit E |
3 |
Phthioceranic/hydroxyphthioceranic acid synthase |
5 |
Polyketide biosynthesis malonyl-ACP decarboxylase PksF |
1 |
Polyketide synthase 1 |
7 |
Polyketide synthase 19 |
1 |
Polyketide synthase 2 |
6 |
Polyketide synthase 37 |
1 |
Polyketide synthase Pks13 |
1 |
Polyketide synthase PksJ |
1 |
Polyketide synthase PksL |
1 |
Polyketide synthase PksM |
1 |
Polyketide synthase PksN |
1 |
Polyketide synthase PksR |
1 |
Polyketide synthase ThaG |
1 |
Polyketide synthase ThaH |
1 |
Polyketide synthase ThaQ |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-like protein Preu9 |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase ACE1 |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase TwmB |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase ffsA |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase hybrid himA |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase phmA |
1 |
Polyketide synthase-nonribosomal peptide synthetase pyiS |
1 |
Polyunsaturated fatty acid synthase subunit A |
1 |
Polyunsaturated fatty acid synthase subunit B |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 1 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 10 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 13 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 14 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 15 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 16 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 17 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 18 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 19 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 2 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 21 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 22 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 23 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 24 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 25 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 26 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 27 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 28 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 29 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 3 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 30 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 31 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 32 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 33 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 34 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 38 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 39 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 40 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 41 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 42 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 44 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 45 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 5 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 6 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 7 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 8/35 |
1 |
Probable polyketide synthase 9/36 |
1 |
Prosolanapyrone synthase |
1 |
Putative 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase, mitochondrial |
1 |
Putative inactive phenolphthiocerol synthesis polyketide synthase type I Pks15 |
1 |
Putative polyketide beta-ketoacyl synthase 1 |
4 |
Putative polyketide beta-ketoacyl synthase 2 |
4 |
Reducing polyketide synthase 8 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase AFT16-1 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase BOA6 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase BOA9 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase DEP5 |
2 |
Reducing polyketide synthase FUB1 |
3 |
Reducing polyketide synthase PKS1 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase PKS2 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase Preu2 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase grgA |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase hmp8 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase pksF |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase ppsB |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase rads1 |
1 |
Reducing polyketide synthase rdc5 |
1 |
Squalestatin hexaketide synthase |
1 |
Squalestatin hexaketide synthase clz14 |
1 |
Squalestatin tetraketide synthase |
2 |
Squalestatin tetraketide synthase clz2 |
1 |
Tenellin synthetase |
2 |
Tetracenomycin polyketide synthase ketoacyl synthase alpha subunit |
1 |
Tetracenomycin polyketide synthase ketoacyl synthase beta subunit |
1 |
Triacetic acid lactone synthase cle1 |
1 |
Trichosetin synthetase PKS-NRPS1 |
1 |