
Help to interpret the results

Three outputs have been generated:
General: this result contains the description and frequency of the selected Pfam domains PF13343, of which KO pathways and KO modules it is part. Additionally, its occurence in the database is reported.
Proteins list: list of occurences of the Pfam domains within the database. 26 occurences are identified. The table reports the orthogroup, the organism in which each occurrence has been found, and the locus tag enriched by start and stop position, strand, gene name and product.
Clicking on the Ortohgroup name or locus you will be redirected to further info.
Profiles: Phylogenetic tree annotated with
- the presence of the Pfam domain(s) of interest within all the genomes of the database (first column)
- the size of the orthogroup(s) in which the reported Pfam domains has been clustered.
In red the Pfam domains with positive hit(s) in the corresponding genome.
In green the discrepencies between orthogroup clustering and Pfam domains prediction. Green homologs (same orthogroup) are not positive hit(s) for the considered Pfam domains.

Variations within orthogroups may be due to the clustering of multi domain proteins or because of erroneous homolog clustering or Pfam domains prediction.


External link PF13343
Description Bacterial extracellular solute-binding protein

Occurence in the database

PF13343 is associated with 26 different proteins (see tab "Protein list" and "Profile")
The 26 proteins are classified into 4 different orthogroup(s)
# Orthogroup Locus Start Stop S. Gene Product Organism
0 group_301 FBDBKF_07925 115767 116798 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S1
1 group_1439 FBDBKF_09075 32003 33259 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S1
2 group_3412 FBDBKF_13665 4305 5351 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S1
3 group_3009 FBDBKF_17670 30146 31216 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S1
4 group_1439 EHELCC_10335 112845 114101 1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S2
5 group_3412 EHELCC_11335 89181 90227 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S2
6 group_301 EHELCC_13755 89961 90992 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S2
7 group_3009 EHELCC_18155 29522 30592 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S2
8 group_1439 NLDBIP_10680 91116 92372 1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S4
9 group_3412 NLDBIP_11680 89181 90227 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S4
10 group_301 NLDBIP_14200 110836 111867 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S4
11 group_3009 NLDBIP_17995 8145 9215 1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S4
12 group_301 LHKJJB_08650 47882 48913 1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S3
13 group_1439 LHKJJB_10675 99156 100412 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S3
14 group_3412 LHKJJB_11540 89181 90227 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S3
15 group_3009 LHKJJB_18190 8145 9215 1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S3
16 group_301 HKOGLL_08200 47882 48913 1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S5
17 group_3412 HKOGLL_10150 89181 90227 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S5
18 group_1439 HKOGLL_13735 32457 33713 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S5
19 group_3009 HKOGLL_18010 29522 30592 -1 afuA ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, periplasmic component Morganella morganii S5
20 group_1439 F4V73_RS10870 311520 312779 1 ABC transporter substrate-binding protein Morganella psychrotolerans
21 group_301 F4V73_RS13060 226600 227631 1 ABC transporter substrate-binding protein Morganella psychrotolerans
22 group_3009 F4V73_RS15050 248800 249879 -1 extracellular solute-binding protein Morganella psychrotolerans
23 group_301 PMI_RS00915 226248 227279 -1 ABC transporter substrate-binding protein Proteus mirabilis HI4320
24 group_1439 PMI_RS11910 2631315 2632601 -1 ABC transporter substrate-binding protein Proteus mirabilis HI4320
25 group_301 PMI_RS15205 3375119 3376129 1 putative 2-aminoethylphosphonate ABC transporter substrate-binding protein Proteus mirabilis HI4320