Help to interpret the results
Three outputs have been generated:
General: this result contains the description and frequency of the selected AMR genes ampC, of which KO pathways and KO modules it is part. Additionally, its occurence in the database is reported.
Proteins list: list of occurences of the AMR genes
within the database. 1 occurences are identified.
The table reports the orthogroup, the organism in which each occurrence has been found, and the locus tag enriched by start and stop position, strand, gene name and product.
Clicking on the Ortohgroup name or locus you will be redirected to further info.
Profiles: Phylogenetic tree annotated with
- the presence of the AMR gene(s) of interest within all the genomes of the database (first column)
- the size of the orthogroup(s) in which the reported AMR genes has been clustered.
In red the AMR genes with positive hit(s) in the corresponding genome.
In green the discrepencies between orthogroup clustering and AMR genes prediction.
Green homologs (same orthogroup) are not positive hit(s) for the considered AMR genes.
Variations within orthogroups may be due to the clustering of multi domain proteins or because of erroneous homolog clustering or AMR genes prediction.
Gene |
ampC |
Description |
class C beta-lactamase |
Scope |
core |
Type |
Class |
Subclass |
NF033085  |
Occurence in the database
ampC is associated with 1 different proteins (see tab "Protein list" and "Profile") |
The 1 proteins are classified into 1 different orthogroup(s)
# |
Orthogroup |
Locus |
Start |
Stop |
S. |
Gene |
Product |
Organism |
0 |
group_3098 |
F4V73_RS12065 |
566525 |
567664 |
1 |
ampC |
class C beta-lactamase |
Morganella psychrotolerans |