
Homologs in group_3516


5 homologs were identified in 5 genomes with OrthoFinder.
The following table displays the locus tag of each homolog, the organism to which it belongs, the gene name and product.

Locus tag Source Gene Product
FBDBKF_18165 FBDBKF_18165 Morganella morganii S1 - hypothetical protein
EHELCC_18200 EHELCC_18200 Morganella morganii S2 - hypothetical protein
NLDBIP_18125 NLDBIP_18125 Morganella morganii S4 - hypothetical protein
LHKJJB_18320 LHKJJB_18320 Morganella morganii S3 - hypothetical protein
HKOGLL_18055 HKOGLL_18055 Morganella morganii S5 - hypothetical protein

Distribution of group_3516 homologs


Number of homologs in each genome (first column and blue bar chart)

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Phylogeny of group_3516 (midpoint rooted)

Phylogeny of the RefSeq best hits of group_3516

Orthogroup content: 5 members


This page summarizes the annotation of all members of the orthologous group group_3516.
Gene name(s), gene product(s), a summary of protein lenght, and annotations (when available) are provided. Additionally, the number of times (occurence) an annotation is observed in the orthogroup is reported for each annotation.

Orthologs were identified with OrthoFinder. The annotation of orthologous proteins can differ depending the approach used to annotate the source genomes. Automated annotations are also subject to errors. Spurious clustering of non-orthologous proteins can also happen. This page allows to check for eventual inconsistencies.


# Gene name Occurence
1 - 5


# Product Occurence
1 hypothetical protein 5

Protein length

Unique protein length 110

Protein length distribution