Homologs in group_3401


4 homologs were identified in 4 genomes with OrthoFinder.
The following table displays the locus tag of each homolog, the organism to which it belongs, the gene name and product.

Locus tag Identity Source Gene Product
EHELCC_08825 EHELCC_08825 100.0 Morganella morganii S2 - hypothetical protein
NLDBIP_09150 NLDBIP_09150 100.0 Morganella morganii S4 - hypothetical protein
LHKJJB_05115 LHKJJB_05115 100.0 Morganella morganii S3 - hypothetical protein
HKOGLL_05800 HKOGLL_05800 100.0 Morganella morganii S5 - hypothetical protein

Distribution of the homologs in the orthogroup group_3401


Number of homologs in each genome (first column) and amino-acid identity of the closest homolog (second column).

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Phylogeny of the RefSeq best hits of group_3401

Swissprot accession Eval Score ID (%) N gaps Alignment length Annot score Gene Description Organism

  • Number of RefSeq hits:


Source Morganella morganii S1
Locus tag FBDBKF_13270
Feature type CDS
Gene -
Product hypothetical protein
Location 35305 - 35526 (strand: 1)
Length 222 (nucleotides) / 73 (amino acids)


Accession contig_16
Length 109220 nucleotides
Topology linear
Plasmid False


Orthogroup group_3401
Orthogroup size 5
N. genomes 5


Genomic region

Protein Sequence


Flanking regions ( +/- flanking 50bp)