Plant-pathogen interaction

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The page contains two contents:
General: this table lists the KO entries and their description specific to this pathway, and provides their frequencies in Morganella morganii S5 and in the whole dataset.
Profile + homologs: the distribution of the Kegg entries of Plant-pathogen interaction Kegg pathway is displayed here. Given a Kegg entry and a genome, a red box indicates that one or more loci have been annotated with, while a green box indicates that no locus/loci has(have) been annotated with it, but it/they is/are part of an Orthologous group in which other members have been annotated with that Kegg entry, so it is likely that this copy(ies) also performs this Kegg function.

Check the composition of the Plant-pathogen interaction pathway

KO Description #in this genome All occurrences
K00864 glycerol kinase [EC:] 1 7
K01373 cathepsin F [EC:] 0 0
K02183 calmodulin 0 0
K02358 elongation factor Tu 0 5
K02406 flagellin 2 15
K04079 molecular chaperone HtpG 1 7
K04368 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 [EC:] 0 0
K05391 cyclic nucleotide gated channel, plant 0 0
K08598 YopJ protease family 0 0
K09487 heat shock protein 90kDa beta 0 0
K12340 outer membrane protein 1 7
K12795 suppressor of G2 allele of SKP1 0 0
K13408 membrane fusion protein 1 6
K13409 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial CvaB/MchF/RaxB 1 7
K13412 calcium-dependent protein kinase [EC:] 0 0
K13413 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4/5 [EC:] 0 0
K13414 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 [EC:] 0 0
K13416 brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated receptor kinase 1 [EC:] 0 0
K13417 somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase 4 [EC:] 0 0
K13420 LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase FLS2 [EC:] 0 0
K13423 WRKY transcription factor 25 0 0
K13424 WRKY transcription factor 33 0 0
K13425 WRKY transcription factor 22 0 0
K13426 WRKY transcription factor 29 0 0
K13427 nitric-oxide synthase, plant [EC:] 0 0
K13428 LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase EFR [EC:] 0 0
K13429 chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 0 0
K13430 serine/threonine-protein kinase PBS1 [EC:] 0 0
K13432 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI4 0 0
K13433 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI5 0 0
K13434 pathogenesis-related genes transcriptional activator PTI6 0 0
K13435 serine/threonine-protein kinase Pto 0 0
K13436 pto-interacting protein 1 [EC:] 0 0
K13437 receptor kinase-like protein 0 0
K13439 cysteine protease avirulence protein AvrRpt2 [EC:3.4.22.-] 0 0
K13440 cysteine protease avirulence protein AvrPphB [EC:3.4.22.-] 0 0
K13441 cysteine protease 0 0
K13445 race-specific elicitor A9 0 0
K13446 disease resistance protein 0 0
K13447 respiratory burst oxidase [EC:1.6.3.- 1.11.1.-] 0 0
K13448 calcium-binding protein CML 0 0
K13449 pathogenesis-related protein 1 0 0
K13450 phosphothreonine lyase [EC:4.2.3.-] 1 5
K13451 type III effector protein AvrPto1 0 0
K13452 effector protein HopAB [EC:6.3.2.-] 0 0
K13453 disease resistance protein 0 0
K13454 type III effector protein AvrRpm1 0 0
K13455 avirulence protein 0 0
K13456 RPM1-interacting protein 4 0 0
K13457 disease resistance protein RPM1 0 0
K13458 disease resistance protein 0 0
K13459 disease resistance protein RPS2 0 0
K13460 disease resistance protein RPS5 0 0
K13465 ethylene-1,4-beta-xylanase [EC:] 0 0
K13466 EIX receptor 1/2 0 0
K13467 Avr2 protein 0 0
K13468 disease resistance protein 0 0
K13469 race-specific elicitor A4 0 0
K13470 disease resistance protein 0 0
K13471 disease resistance protein 0 0
K13472 sulfotransferase 0 0
K13473 chitin elicitor-binding protein 0 0
K13474 AvrA10 protein 0 0
K13475 R protein MLA10 0 0
K13476 AvrL567 protein 0 0
K13477 R protein L6 0 0
K13478 type III effector protein PopP2 0 0
K14512 mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 [EC:] 0 0
K15397 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase [EC:] 0 0
K16224 senescence-induced receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase 0 0
K16225 probable WRKY transcription factor 52 0 0
K16226 disease resistance protein RPS4 0 0
K18834 WRKY transcription factor 1 0 0
K18835 WRKY transcription factor 2 0 0
K18873 pathogen-induced protein kinase 0 0
K18874 type III effector protein AvrRps4 0 0
K18875 enhanced disease susceptibility 1 protein 0 0
K18876 type III effector protein AvrBs3 0 0
K18877 disease resistance protein 0 0
K18878 BHLH transcription factor Upa20 0 0
K18879 type III effector protein XopD 0 0
K18880 Delta3-Delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase [EC:] 0 0
K20536 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 [EC:] 0 0
K20600 mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 [EC:] 0 0
K23865 transcription factor MYB30 0 0
K23866 effector protein HopD2 [EC:] 0 0